3 Benefits of Installing Double Glazed Windows or Doors

16 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Windows and doors are an essential feature of every home's design. They offer a connection to the world around you by introducing natural light and airflow and contributing significantly to the home's decor. While homeowners may opt for the more affordable single-glazed windows, double-glazed windows and doors offer additional benefits to a home that can not be ignored. 

What is double glazing? If this is your first time learning about this, double-glazed windows or double-glazed doors involve glass panels fused by a spacer with a small hermetically sealed gap separating the two panes. The slit holds argon, a gas that provides an extra insulation layer. That is the main structural difference between single-glazed and double-glazed windows.

With that in mind, what makes installing double-glazed windows and doors so vital for your home? Here are a few reasons why.

Lower energy bills

Installing double-glazed windows and double-glazed doors is one of the easiest and most effective ways of improving your home's energy efficiency. The two glass panels and the argon gas create an effective insulation barrier that helps reduce your dependence on air conditioning systems in your home. The insulation layer helps retain heat in the house, especially during cold nights and winter. Similarly, less heat can penetrate your home during the summer, meaning you don't have to turn on your AC for long hours to cool your home. Therefore, you use less electricity, which contributes to lower power bills. 

Reducing noise

Sound insulation is an essential benefit of double-glazed windows. Nobody enjoys loud noises. Noise is distracting, jarring, and irritating, especially if it causes you to lose sleep. Additionally, prolonged exposure to loud noises can contribute to stress, cognitive issues, and cardiovascular diseases. It, therefore, goes to demonstrate that sound deadening should be a key priority for most homeowners. Due to the argon-filled gap in double-glazed windows and double-glazed doors, most of the sound energy is absorbed, unlike in standard single-glazed windows. 

Reducing condensation

Condensation is a phenomenon that is quite common with single-glazed windows. That is where the moist warm air within your home is exposed to the glass's cold surface, causing water droplets to form on it. While condensation is an annoyance, it can also lead to mould development and damage the wood surfaces around the windows and doors. With double-glazed windows, condensation is significantly reduced since it eliminates the cold window. How? Thanks to the argon-filled insulation gap, the interior panel is usually closer to the room temperature. 

Finally, while double-glazed windows and double-glazed doors may cost slightly more than the traditional single-glazed windows and doors, the benefits justify the investment. Make sure to speak to a professional company for double-glazed window installation services.